Spring is here and the world is glorious – green and soft!!!

What do you love most about this time of year?

One, among many, many reasons I love this time of year, is that I find it far easier to eat vegetables in Spring and Summer. Mother Earth is thrusting greenery at us from every direction. It is fresh and luscious – draped across mountainsides, piling out of carts at the Farmer’s Market and filling our crispers at home.

This afternoon with not much available on my refrigerator shelves, I steamed up a head of broccoli. I mixed together a little flax oil and hummus and drizzled it around. I added a sprinkle of gomasio (sesame seeds, sea salt and sea weed).

How easy is that?! Fun! Fresh! And delicious!!!

Head of Broccoli

Flax Oil and Hummus to taste

Sprinkle of Gomasio (Can be found at Whole Foods or most health food stores)

Tell me again how you don’t have time or it’s too expensive to eat well?